Wednesday, April 06, 2005


I spent fucking WEEKS trying to find a cheeky last minute deal holiday that guaranteed being suitable for Matt. It was a pain in the arse but that's another story [and one which has resulted in us deciding to launch a website for travellers in wheelchairs - more about that later.]

Planning the trip with our dear friend Jobi, we all agreed on some basic requirements:

Being able to have a drink outside without freezing
Being able to roll around without having to resort to cabs or public transport
Being somewhere photogenic

And Nice delivered all that and more by the shedload. What a gorgeous, surprising place it is. Full of art and energy and all the best things about France.

Some of my photos are here in the Cote d’Azur gallery.

Now that we are back, I am trying to get organised to write a bit more regularly. Apologies for all the big gaps, if there is anyone out there still visiting Thunderglades.

Damn my whorish highly-paid day job with its constant and unreasonable demands.

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